Home products and Boutique

Your stay at the Ferme du Petit Ségriès is also a great way to discover local products, some of which I’ve made myself. Jams have been part of Petit Ségriès’ success since its beginnings in 2001. I make them with ripe fruit from the garden (quinces, cherries, plums, apricots, figs, etc.), fruit I buy from local producers to vary the flavors (ginger, peaches, nectarines, melons, strawberries, pears, citrus) and sometimes fruit I pick or gather in the wild (arbutus, dandelion). Enjoy them for breakfast and take some home with you.

My creations can accompany you throughout the day:

Home-made aperitifs: walnut, cherry, quince, myrtle, lemon, tangerine wines… Olive oil: after harvesting the olives and taking them to the mill, we recover a few precious liters that will be used to season our beef heart tomato, pineapple and Crimean black basil salads when the season comes. Every year, I save a few olives to make those Aglandau olives you love so much to accompany homemade aperitifs.

Homemade sorbets made with fresh fruit and aromatic herbs (thyme, verbena, lavender, mint) for late afternoon or dessert.

Herbal teas made from aromatic plants picked on the estate (verbena, thyme, rosemary, sage, mint)

Home-made liqueurs: Farigoule, quince, lemon, myrtle.Some of these products, such as jams and verbena, are available from the Boutique, so you can treat yourself and take some home to prolong your vacation memories.

In the SHOP, you’ll find..:
Lavandin essence
Soaps and shower gels from Valensole
and sometimes apple juice from Manosque and lavender honey from Moustiers

All local!

Latest news

Discovery trail

Discovery trail at the Ferme du Petit Ségriès starting from the guest house in Moustiers Sainte Marie
We offer you our discovery tour.
After a long, tiring day of travelling by car or motorcycle, how about stretching your legs and diving straight into the heart of your vacation?

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